“Creating your Reality is not difficult, but you have to DO it!“
Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda
Sādhanās (Practices)
Blissful sharing
“ While doing daily Nithya Yoga Sessions in the Inner Awakening program, my body not only felt stronger but it also began to feel lighter and more open in the hips and shoulders.
I began to see possibilities for my practice that I had not seen before. The asana’s are fun yet challenging and accessible for all levels of participants, from the beginner to the more advanced practitioner. Applying the Science of Completion and Authentic Listening while moving through the sequences and postures made this the best experience of yoga I’ve ever had. Everyone who wants to try yoga should experience Nithya Yoga!”
Cinthya Narcisi, IL USA
“ I have had a very beautiful Nithya Yoga experience during my 21 day Inner Awakening program..
Nithya yoga has brought me a lot of joy, happiness and space. Before doing Nithya Yoga, I had what I call a “Monkey jumping mind”, and now I am capable of staying in the present way better than I could before.
I went from being nervous to pretty much stress free, and where I felt a lot of resistance about many things in life I am now able to let go of many of many of my subjective patterns that fed this resistance in me. By learning to live less in my head, and more in the moment, I experienced a vast amount of energy available to me. After Nithya Yoga my body feels healthy and balanced.
Doing Nithya Yoga helped me to see the possibilities that I have in life, and I realized that becoming a Nithya Yoga teacher is the path I want to take.
I went from being nervous to pretty much stress free, and where I felt a lot of resistance about many things in life I am now able to let go of many of many of my subjective patterns that fed this resistance in me. By learning to live less in my head, and more in the moment, I experienced a vast amount of energy available to me. After Nithya Yoga my body feels healthy and balanced.
Doing Nithya Yoga helped me to see the possibilities that I have in life, and I realized that becoming a Nithya Yoga teacher is the path I want to take.
Yueying Tao, Belgium
“ I experienced completion through the movement of my body doing Nithya Yoga.
While in Inner Awakening in Varanasi India I was introduced to Nithya Yoga, at first I was very resistant to doing Nithya Yoga because I had been practicing a different type of yoga for a while. Despite of my resistance, during my first session I experienced such a release while doing Patanjali Dhyaan that I actually started to cry during the practice. It was like something that I had been holding inside my muscle memory for a very long time was released! I experienced completion through the movement of my body this was an essential part of my transformation.
Nithya yoga continues to give me confidence to handle every difficult situation I face in life. I know that if I carry the space of completion the solution will effortlessly come.”
Nithya yoga continues to give me confidence to handle every difficult situation I face in life. I know that if I carry the space of completion the solution will effortlessly come.”
Mary Mabry, CA USA
“ IA for me has been more than life changing, it has been a transformation where I found my real self.
With the kundalini awakening my consciousness and the ability to listen to myself and others has increased significantly. Although I was in the path of yoga before coming here, this time was different, it was amazing to see how my body was being constantly transformed. Each day I could go deeper into my practice and was completed as my body became lighter, flexible and willing. I was able to do asanas that I previously believed almost impossible with ease and awareness. Nithya Yoga not only broke mental patterns, also my body patterns are gone and I can see how my body is changing. By removing my pain muscle memory, I now realize that life is full of possibilities.”
Ana Belen, Mexico City
If you’d asked me three months ago how long I’ve been practicing Yoga, I’d have said, “On and off for the past decade or so.”
But the truth is, three months ago I would have defined yoga as that set of physical postures that increases flexibility, stamina, and the ability to relax. It wasn’t until I experienced yoga through Nithya Yoga that I discovered that the ancient art of Yoga is really so much more! The mantras, kriyas, and meditations implemented stimulate the kundalini shakti, revealing the true essence of human nature as powerful creators. The opportunity to learn from the Yogacharyas of the Nithyananda Dhyanapateetam has been instrumental in cultivating not only my understanding of Yoga, but also my ability to harness the power of consciousness as a catalyst for positive transformation in virtually all areas of life. In health, work, and relationships, Nithya Yoga builds a bridge between where you stand and your higher self, providing clarity to even the most daunting of life’s decisions.
Laura Barnett, TN USA

“ What a wonderful experience it was, while learning so much during the IA putting this
knowledge into practice was just great.
knowledge into practice was just great.
For me while undergoing this transformational process, doing this conscious and powerful practice of Nithya Yoga, where we were lead to consciously integrate our breath and muscles , was a life changing experience. I experienced the conscious transformation of my muscles from the old me to the new me, getting rid of all the old memories that I was unconsciously carrying, to allow new and fresh muscle memory to be stored. Consciously creating the new memories that we want to experience from now onward is a very important process.”
Xavier Van B