image1Chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. Chakras are vortices or whirlpools of pranic energy, within the pranic layer of the body. They store the cosmic prana and steps down the level of energy so it can be used in the body.   They also symbolize the different levels of awareness in man. The chakras represent the powers of consciousness that lie within the reach of every human being. The higher chakras show that man can transcend his limitations and go beyond himself.




Chakras are storehouses of pranic energy. They in turn distribute this the subtle pranic energy to the body systems in the area.

swadhisthana chakra energizes – urinary system

manipura energizes – digestive system

anahata energizes – respiratory and cardiovascular systems

vishuddhi – the ears, eyes, nose, throat

ajna chakra energizes – the brain.


Each chakra is associated with a specific pranic energy frequency. The chakras in the lower end vibrate at lower frequency. Thus they are responsible for lower levels of awareness. Chakras higher up vibrate at higher frequency; as a result they are responsible for subtler states of consciousness and higher intelligence.


If the prana in a particular center is manipulated, the state of awareness at that level will be affected. Likewise, a specific level of consciousness will affect the pranic energy of the specific chakra. The awakening of the chakras is related to both consciousness and prana. Physical or mental stimulation of these centers will also cause a change in the level of consciousness.


Chakras are not physical entities in our body. They are metaphysical representations because they belong to the auric body and not the physical body. They are situated in the spinal cord. Kirlian photography has enabled us to capture these chakras and prove their existence on the metaphysical plane. Chakras correspond to the nerve plexuses in the physical body.


In yoga, chakras are symbolized by lotus of different colors and number of petals. The lotus exists in three levels – mud, water and air. It grows in the mud, grows up through the water to reach the air and the sun. This is symbolic of man’s growth from low states of awareness through the chakras to higher states of awareness. This corresponds to the three stages in spiritual life – ignorance, sadhana or spiritual practice and enlightenment.

There are six major chakras in the subtle body corresponding to the spinal column. The seventh, and sahasrara is beyond the six.


All of man’s chakras represent points of intersection of mind (ida) and body (pingala) except the sahasrara chakra. The Ida and pingala nadis crisscross at the chakras as they spiral up the spinal column to end at ajna chakra.


Chakras are associated with a major endocrine gland near it. The chakra supplies energy to the gland and strongly influence the functioning and health of that gland and the region around it.


Each chakra has a particular focus point located on the front of the body. These points are easier to focus on than in the spinal cord. Awareness on these points during meditation helps in awakening the chakra. An element is associated with each chakra. The element at the base of spine is the most dense and becomes progressively more subtle towards the direction of the brain.



It is only when our chakras are affected that disease happens in us. If our body and mind are at ease with each other, we feel this ease as a sense of wellbeing. If our body and mind are not at ease with each other, we feel the dis-ease, otherwise called disease. The state of the chakras reveal this level of ease or disease in us.

Muladhara chakra – root center


In Sanskrit, muladhara means “the root and basis of Existence”. It is the seat of“primal energy.

Focus location : In the male, it is behind the scrotum, in front of the anus in the perineum region. In the female, it is at the posterior rim of the cervix, where the vagina joins the uterus.

Emotion: Lust, desire, greed

Blocked/Locked by: fantasy and imagination. It flowers when you drop your fantasies and welcome reality

Associated gland: Adrenals

Associated with: Annamaya kosha and unconscious mind

Element : Earth

Deity : Ganesha

Bija mantra : Lam

Swadhisthana chakra – spleen center


In Sanskrit, swadhisthana means ‘where your being is established’

Focus location : At the level of pubic bone on the front of the body

Emotion: Fear

Blocked/Locked by : Fear, especially fear of death and can be made to flower by facing fear; by facing death itself.

Associated Gland : Testes in men, Ovaries in women

Associated with: pranamaya kosha,subconscious mind which is responsible for drowsiness/sleep

Element : Water

Deity : Subramanya

Bija mantra (seed sound) : Vam

Manipura chakra – Navel /digestive center, storehouse of prana


In Sanskrit, manipura means ‘The City of Jewels’.

Focus location : Navel

Emotion : Worry

Blocked/locked by : Constant worrying and negative thoughts.

Associated Gland – Pancreas, adrenal gland

Associated with : pranamaya kosha, heat, vitality, dynamism

Element : Fire

Deity : Surya

Bija mantra : Ram

Anahata chakra -Heart center, seat of divine love


In Sanskrit, anahata means ‘unstruck’. It is the seat of anahad nada, the cosmic sound experienced only in the highest state of meditation.

Focus location : Level of the heart behind breastbone

Emotion: Love

Blocked / locked by : Attention need. When you seek attention and love from outside

Associated gland : Thymus

Associated with : Manomaya kosha -the mind and emotions

Element : Air

Deity : Venkateshwar

Bija mantra : Yam


Vishuddhi chakra – Throat center


the center for receiving sound vibrations, allowing one to tune into thoughts of others. Hearing becomes very sharp not only through the ears but the mind.

Focus Location: Base of the throat where there is a small depression

In Sanskrit, vishuddhi means ‘beyond purity and impurity’.

Emotion: Comparison and jealousy

Blocked/Locked by : comparison and jealousy. Flowers when we exhibit our individuality and express our capability fully, uniqueness and creativity without worrying about others.

Associated Gland : Thyroid and parathyroid

Associated with : Vijnanamaya kosha

Element: Ether or space

Deity : Devi Anandeshwari

Bija mantra : Ham

Ajna Chakra: third eye, center of intuition, cosmic browsing center,

command center


In Sanskrit, ajna means ‘will’ or ‘order’. Also called guru or command chakra. One enters into shoonya or void in deep meditation. Aspirant receives revelation and insight into nature of existence. Acquires psychic powers. Vision of light is usually first seen at ajna

Focus Location: Eyebrow center or bhrumadhya. The ida, pingala and sushumna merge here and become one to rise up to sahasrara .

Emotion: Ego

Blocked/Locked by :This chakra is locked by seriousness and ego. Flowers by innocence, simplicity, and by shedding all forms of ego.

Associated Gland – Pineal gland

Associated with : Vijnanamaya kosha

Element : Mind

Deity: Anandeshwara

Bija mantra : Om

Sahasrara chakra – seat of supreme consciousness


In Sanskrit, sahasrara means ‘thousand petalled’ – from the mystical experience of a thousand-petalled lotus blooming on the crown, when this chakra is activated. It is the seat of pure awareness, the highest point in human evolution. Not a psychic center as beyond it. Controls the awakening of all the chakras.

Focus Location: Crown of the head.

Emotion: Gratitude

Blocked/Locked by : Discontentment and the attitude of taking life for granted

Can be made to flower by overflowing gratitude and contentment!

Associated Gland : – Pituitary

Element : no element, no thought

Associated with : Anandamaya kosha.

Deity: Dakshinamoorthi

Bija mantra : none