Miraculous healing of diabetes
“I have never seen something reduce my sugar level so rapidly. This is extraordinary!” says Ricardo Boreiki from Houston, Texas, USA. This 63 year-old man suffering from diabetes for 33 years experienced miraculous healing after using NithyaKriya. Ricardo Boreiki says that he had a blood sugar level between 300 – 400 and using 45 units of insulin daily, and now his sugar level is steady at 85 and uses only 5 units of insulin in the mornings since he started practicing NithyaKriya. You can watch his sharing of the miracle on the below video (4.30 mins. onwards)
“I had diabetes for last 16 years, it was very high for past 3 years – more than 3 times the normal value. I attended the Diabetes kriya one-week workshop at Toronto Nithyananda Vedic temple. I was amazed, my sugar levels have come down to normal and my doctor has reduced my medication to half. My mind and body have improved!”
-ParimalaParamanathan from Toronto, Canada